Collaborative Governance BPJS Health In Improving The Performance of First-Level Health Facility Services Inpatient Clinic Bunda Aulia


  • Johny David Mokodompis
  • Iyus Wiyadi Universitas Paramadina Jakarta, Indonesia


Collaborative Governance, BPJS Health Insurance, Improving Performance, First-Level Health Facility Service


This study investigates how collaborative governance can enhance the performance of first-level health facilities, focusing on the inpatient clinic Bunda Aulia and its relationship with Indonesia's national health insurance program, BPJS Kesehatan. Collaborative governance involves multiple stakeholders, including government agencies, healthcare providers, and community representatives, working together towards common goals. The research uses a qualitative methodology with a literature review to assess how collaborative governance improves the quality and accessibility of healthcare at the clinic. These findings contribute to understanding how collaborative governance can strengthen healthcare systems in emerging markets, especially in achieving universal health coverage goals


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Author Biography

Johny David Mokodompis

Manajemen Ekonomi dan Bisnis


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Seascapeid Journal of Public Health and Nursing




How to Cite

Mokodompis, J. D., & Iyus Wiyadi. (2024). Collaborative Governance BPJS Health In Improving The Performance of First-Level Health Facility Services Inpatient Clinic Bunda Aulia. Seascapeid Journal of Public Health and Nursing, 1(1), 1–13. Retrieved from