Focus And Scope

Focus and Scope - Seascapeid Journal of Law and Public Policy

Seascapeid Journal of Law and Public Policy is dedicated to providing a comprehensive platform for scholarly exploration at the intersection of law and public policy. The journal welcomes contributions that advance our understanding of legal and policy issues, fostering intellectual discourse and promoting innovative research methodologies. The focus and scope of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  1. Constitutional Law: Exploration of principles and doctrines governing the fundamental laws and structures of a state, addressing issues of constitutional interpretation and application.

  2. Criminal Law: Examination of laws related to criminal offenses, criminal procedures, and the justice system, as well as studies on criminology and criminal behavior.

  3. Civil Law: In-depth analysis of private law matters, including contracts, torts, property, family law, and other civil legal issues affecting individuals and entities.

  4. Public Policy Analysis: Investigation into the development, implementation, and evaluation of public policies, considering their societal impact and effectiveness.

  5. Environmental Law: Study of legal frameworks addressing environmental protection, conservation, and sustainable development, including issues related to climate change and natural resource management.

  6. Human Rights: Exploration of legal principles and international agreements safeguarding human rights, with a focus on their application and enforcement.

  7. Business Law and Regulations: Analysis of legal aspects governing business operations, corporate governance, trade regulations, and ethical considerations in the business environment.

Characteristics of Contributions:

  • High-Quality Peer Review: All submissions undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of scholarly excellence and credibility.

  • Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Encouragement of research that embraces interdisciplinary approaches, providing a holistic understanding of complex legal and policy challenges.

  • Global Relevance: Welcoming contributions from diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds, fostering a global dialogue on critical legal and public policy issues.

  • Regular Publication: The journal publishes articles periodically, offering a regular platform for researchers to share their latest findings.

Seascapeid Journal of Law and Public Policy invites scholars, practitioners, and researchers to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these vital fields. Join us in shaping the discourse on law and public policy, addressing contemporary challenges and making meaningful contributions to academic and practical realms.