CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Approach to Sustainability through Competitive Advantage
Customer Relationship Management, Sustainability, Competitive AdvantageAbstract
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has progressed from being just a business strategy to a more comprehensive approach that includes sustainability practices, aiming to gain a competitive edge. This study examines the intersection of CRM and sustainability, emphasizing how businesses can utilize CRM principles to improve their sustainability efforts. By concentrating on cultivating enduring relationships with customers, comprehending their requirements, and harmonizing business operations with environmental and social responsibilities, companies can generate value for both customers and society. The study also evaluates the difficulties and prospects of applying a CRM approach to sustainability, underscoring the significance of leadership commitment, engaging stakeholders, and innovating solutions. Through an extensive examination of literature and case studies, this study offers insights into how companies can efficiently merge CRM and sustainability to attain a competitive advantage in today's dynamic business climate.
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