Analysis of The Decline In Employee Performance Due To Disharmonious Families, Debt And Competencies That Do Not Match The Field of Work Life Balance
Employee Performance, Disharmonious Families, Debt, Competencies,Abstract
This article aims to contribute with a qualitative model of various references related to the existing variables from several existing journals with recorded search sources, in addition to the findings in the form of perspectives to make a result of this scientific article. The method of writing this article is carried out by reviewing ten articles related to Employee Performance, Disharmonious Families, Debt, Competencies, and Work Life Balance. This study is a qualitative research effort aimed at gathering, analyzing, and synthesizing pertinent literature on the topic. Factors such as family dynamics, debt, competence, and work-life balance have a significant impact on employee performance. Disharmonious family dynamics can lead to stress and conflict, detrimental to job satisfaction and performance. Excessive debt is also a mental burden that reduces engagement and productivity. In addition, employee competency development is essential for creating innovation and high performance, so organizations need to implement effective human resource management practices. Finally, a good work-life balance can improve employee job satisfaction and performance, indicating the need for organizational policy support for this balance.
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