Comprehensive Assessment of Service Quality, Perceived Value, Loyalty, and Customer Satisfaction: Integration and Implications for Modern Marketing Strategies
Value, Customer satisfaction and Customer loyaltyAbstract
This research is a qualitative study that aims to analyze factors that can trigger customer loyalty, including service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction. The method used in this study is a literature review by reviewing theories and previous journals put forward by experts, as well as the results of various previous studies regarding customer loyalty, service quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction. This study explores the relationship between service quality and perceived value simultaneously on customer loyalty, both directly and through customer satisfaction. Although these two variables have often been discussed separately, a combined approach that looks at the impact of both while introducing a new perspective (novelty) that is rarely raised in customer loyalty studies. The results of the analysis show that service quality and perceived value have a significant contribution to increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. These findings provide important insights for marketers, as they allow for the design of more effective strategies to attract and retain customers through
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